York | 01904 634221
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Home Viewing

Home Viewing

York Fine Arts offers a free, no obligation home viewing service to view up to five artworks in the comfort of your own home.

Whether you wish to see how an artwork works with your space, or simply want to see the artwork in person, the gallery’s home viewing service is a convenient opportunity to add to your collection with confidence. The gallery’s home viewing service aims to make the process of buying fine art as convenient and relaxed as possible.

If you wish to view multiple artworks, the gallery will happily bring up to five artworks to your home to ensure that you have the same level of selection as you would at our galleries. Additionally, artwork may be left with you for up to two hours while you consider your selections, leaving you free to make a confident, pressure-free decision.

To arrange a home viewing, please complete the form below. Once submitted, a member of gallery staff will be in touch within 48 hours to confirm your selection and schedule an appointment.

Thank you.

Your Home Viewing selection has been submited and we will contact you within the next 48 hours.
Please note that this service is only available on the UK mainland.

If you have not heard from us within this time, please feel free to contact the gallery on 01904 634221.