York | 01904 634221
Private Appointments

Private Appointments

Enjoy an exclusive browsing experience by booking a private appointment at our York gallery.

Private appointments are available seven days a week at a time most convenient for you. If that falls within the gallery’s usual opening hours, the gallery will be closed to the public for the duration of your appointment to provide a relaxed and undisturbed atmosphere with the full, undivided attention of our knowledgeable staff easily to hand. If outside of our usual hours, the gallery will be specially opened to accommodate this same experience at a time that best suits you.

To book your free, no-obligation private appointment, please complete the form below. Once submitted, a member of gallery staff will be in touch within 48 hours to confirm your selection and schedule an appointment.

Thank you.

Your private appointment request has been submited and we will contact you within the next 48 hours to confirm.

If you have not heard from us within this time, please feel free to contact the gallery on 01904 634221.